Who sets the prices on the Urbandale listings?
Shopping for a 3 bedroom home in Urbandale under $125,000 that does not need updates or any work on it can be a very frustrating ordeal especially for someone that has gone to the effort to save for a down payment and get pre-qualified to buy a home in that price range. My heart goes out to their ordeal. With the cost of new home construction in Polk County in the $150 per sq ft range and as land prices continually…

5 Guys Burgers coming to West Des Moines!
Five Guys burger and fries will be coming soon to the Des Moines Metro area! The new location is opening at 64th and Mills Civic, near Kohls! They have more 1,000 locations in the United States and this will be their first in Iowa. We don’t know when it will open yet, but I know a lot of people are looking forward to it!